Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Outside Reading post 2

So as i left of Mia was going crazy with the idea that she is a princess, and her father the Prince has to bribe her to go to her Princess lessons, being held by her least favorite person her Grandmere. So as of right now Mia has found out that her mother is dating her Math teacher. I could never even try to think of what Mia is going through she is a 14 year old girl who just found out that she is a princess, and now her mother is dating her math teacher, and the best part is that Mia is failing math. I would just try think  what Mia is feeling I could never want to go through what Mia is going through I would maybe want to be a princess but having my mother dating my math teacher that would not be good because math is my least favorite class and that would just be so akward. Mia has to go through many hardships that she lashes out in only a few ways when she has just had too much, when she lashes out it is usually harmless but ocasionally she will go too far like when she spilt ice cream all over lana other least favorite person. Im so close to the end of the book and I am really enjoying the style of writing that meg cabot. the journals really lets you know what Mia is feeling I cant wait to finish the book.

cabot, meg (2000). The Princess Diaries. New York, NY: harper trophy.

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